Small onions - 8- 9
Chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Jeera -1/4 tsp
Small onions - 8- 9
Chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Jeera -1/4 tsp
Egg -2
Grind all the ingredients ; at-last add egg and blend
Now heat Tava and make adai (like omelet)
Serve with keerai saadham / theeyal its yummy :)
Flavors the taste:
-> Can add pepper/ garam masala/ gg* paste
-> Can add vegetables like carrot, spring onions both these veggies directly can grind
if u add veggies like beans , cabbage , cauliflower we need to boil in salt water for atleast 10 min.
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